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"Una vez que hayas probado el vuelo, caminarás por la tierra para siempre con los ojos vueltos hacia el cielo".

Leonardo Da Vinci



"INGLES PARA AVIACION" es un programa de adquisición de idiomas en línea diseñado específicamente para personas que buscan aprender inglés con un enfoque en el campo de la aviación. El programa está diseñado para estudiantes de inglés principiantes e intermedios.


El programa AIRWORTHY está diseñado para estudiantes de inglés de nivel principiante a intermedio que estén interesados ​​en seguir una carrera en el campo de la aviación. Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de recibir capacitación enfocada que puede ampliar sus conocimientos en las seis áreas del idioma inglés según lo establecido por la Organización de Aviación Civil Internacional (OACI): pronunciación, estructura, vocabulario, fluidez, comprensión e interacción. Nuestro objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes a comunicarse de manera más eficaz en entornos académicos, sociales y profesionales.



- 8 Semanas

- 3 veces a la semana

- 2 horas


- Preparacion para el Examen de Ingles de Solasta 

- 6 Areas basado en ICAO

    Pronunciacion, Structura del Idioma, Vocabulario, Comprension, y Interaccion

- Temas relacionados con la aviacion en conversaciones, audios y lecturas

- Profesores experiementados y certificados

- Assignaturas y Tareas con proposito de avanzar el idioma 

Nuestro objectivo es ayudar al estudiante a adquirir el idioma para propositos academicos, como estudiar aviacion, razones sociales y profesionales.


Para obtener más información, envíenos un correo electrónico a o llame a

 +1 407-692-8328

Aviation English Enrollment Application

A careers in aviation starts with English. Make your dream a reality by providing the information below 


  1. This form counts as an application. In order for it to be valid. you must sign(type your name) on the box below. The application must be completed and approved by Solasta's admissions office before the start of the program.

  2. Students must commit to scheduled lecture and conversational practice time. Each student can reschedule class sessions two (2) times with prior written notice (e-mail) to the instructor at least 24 hours in advance, regardless of the reason. 

  3. Class sessions will be conducted online Zoom or Google Meets. 



  1. Students are expected to be considerate and respectful while interacting with instructors, staff members, and peer learners.

  2. We take pride in building a racial and culturally inclusive experience for all of our students. It is important that each student agrees to take extra efforts to help us maintain and foster such environment.

  3. Our School reserves the right to terminate a student's enrollment agreement without refund if the student is found to be in breach of the Student Code of Conduct and/or the Terms & Conditions. The School will organize a careful investigation of such circumstances and a termination decision will be reached based on the severity of the violation(s). All parties involved will be required to cooperate throughout this process.


  1. A $75 Application Fee will be processed at the time when the application is received. – The application fee will be waived if the student completed an initial EPIC assessment.

  2. The program total will be processed when the application is approved.

  3. The program total includes all lecture and digital materials needed.

  4. We accept all major debit and credit cards.


  1. After the program starts, students will have a week to notify Solasta of their desire to not complete the program in its entirety. Notification must be submitted in writing (e-mail) to Solasta within the first week; no later than the 5th day from the start of the

    program. If the notice is received on time, students will be charged $40 USD for every hour of service provided plus the Application


  2. No refund will be issued if the written notice is received later than the first week.


We’re dedicated to providing an equal learning opportunity for all of our students. However, we understand that each student may learn differently. Completion of the selected program will not guarantee a passing score on the ICAO English proficiency exam, nor will it assure acceptance into Epic Flight Academy or any other flight schools in the United States. Your result is a direct reflection of your own efforts. Therefore, we encourage all students to hold themselves accountable in order to reach their language learning goals.

By submitting this application, I agree that I have received, read, and understood the Enrollment Terms and Conditions included with this form. I further consent to the terms listed and understand that they may be updated or modified from time to time based on the Company’s discretion. Should such changes occur, existing students will be notified in writing.

I hereby certify that all of the information provided by me in this application is true, accurate, and complete.

© 2023 Solasta Language Academy

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